Other matters related to corporate governance
Status of development of internal control system
We have established a basic policy regarding the development of internal control systems, resolved at the Board of Directors meeting on May 11, 2021, to ensure the appropriateness of our operations. As of the submission date of this document, we are implementing and operating the internal control system based on this basic policy. The overview is as follows:
A.The system to ensure that the execution of duties by directors and employees
conforms to laws and the articles of incorporation.
a) We base its execution of duties on the board of directors and employees complying with laws and regulations, the articles of incorporation, internal regulations, and social norms, and acting with high ethical standards.
b) The Internal Audit Department supervises compliance across the company and educates and enlightens directors and employees.
c) The Internal Audit Department shall periodically audit the compliance status and report the audit results to the board of directors and corporate corporate corporate auditors.
d) We ensure that employees have a direct reporting system for any actions within our company that raise doubts about compliance with laws and regulations. For important information, as necessary, we disclose the content and our response and results to our directors and employees, ensuring that they are thoroughly informed.
B.System for storing and managing information related to the execution of duties by directors
a) The information and documents (including electronic records) related to the execution of duties by directors shall be preserved and managed in accordance with the "Document Storage Management Regulations," ensuring that our directors and corporate corporate auditors have access to the contents of such information and documents.
b) The "Document Storage Management Regulations" shall define the types of information subject to preservation, the storage period, and the departments responsible for storage.。
C.Regulations and other systems related to risk management for potential losses
a) To prevent and minimize risks, we will establish necessary risk management systems and methodologies, including various management regulations, investment criteria, setting of risk limits and transaction limits, and establishment of reporting and monitoring systems. These measures will comprehensively manage the risks of our company and affiliated companies.
b) We will regularly review the effectiveness of our risk management system.
c) We will conduct regular workshops and training sessions to enhance the risk management mindset of our directors and employees. Additionally, internal audits will be conducted as needed to ensure thorough daily risk management.
D.System to ensure that directors' duties are executed efficiently
a) We ensure the efficiency of duty execution through the division of roles and responsibilities, delegation of duties, and command relationships among the directors and employees of our company and its affiliates.
b) The "Regulations on Segregation of Duties" and "Regulations on Administrative Authority" shall be reviewed periodically, if necessary, to ensure compliance with changes in laws and regulations and to streamline the execution of duties.
c) We develop a system to ensure the efficiency of duties through initiatives aimed at streamlining and digitizing other business processes.
d) We conduct monthly performance reviews and implement improvement measures through management meetings and board of directors' meetings.
E.System to ensure the appropriateness of operations within the corporate group consisting of our company, its parent company, and subsidiaries
a) The system for reporting matters related to the execution of duties by directors and other executives of subsidiaries to our company
While respecting the autonomy of subsidiaries, we receive regular reports on the business situation and conduct prior consultations on important matters.
b) The subsidiary's regulations and other systems regarding the management of risks of loss
1. We prepare for emergencies according to the anticipated risks at the subsidiary, and in the event of an emergency, we respond promptly and appropriately in accordance with the established regulations.
2. We continuously conduct education and training on risk management for officers and employees. Additionally, the Board of Directors reviews the risk management system annually.
c) The system to ensure efficient execution of duties by directors and other officers of subsidiaries.
We regularly review and supervise the organizational design and operational structure of subsidiaries, taking into account factors such as their business, scale, and positioning within our group, to ensure that their operations are efficiently executed.
d) System to ensure that the execution of duties by directors and employees of subsidiaries complies with laws and the articles of incorporation
1. Our basic principle for the execution of duties by directors and employees of subsidiaries is to ensure compliance with laws, articles of incorporation, internal regulations, and social norms, and to conduct themselves with a high ethical standard.
2. Our internal audit department conducts regular internal audits of subsidiaries and reports the results to our board of directors, thereby preventing legal and statutory violations in subsidiaries and taking timely and appropriate measures to address any identified issues.
F.The system concerning the employee designated by the corporate corporate auditor to assist
in their duties (auxiliary employee), including the independence of the employee from the directors and
ensuring the effectiveness of the corporate auditor's instructions to the employee.
a) To ensure thorough auditing by the corporate auditor and to ensure the effectiveness of instructions to the corporate auditor's auxiliary employees, a dedicated auxiliary employee shall be appointed. The number of auxiliary employees shall be determined through consultation between the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.
b) The transfer of auxiliary employees requires the consent of the corporate auditor, and their personnel evaluations are conducted by the full-time corporate auditors.
c) Auxiliary employees who receive instructions necessary for auditing from the corporate auditors shall not receive instructions from directors, head of internal audit department, or others regarding those instructions.
G.The system for directors and employees to report to the corporate auditors
other reporting systems to the corporate auditors
a) Directors or employees of our company and affiliated companies shall promptly report to the corporate auditors upon discovery of the following matters, in addition to matters prescribed by law.
1. Anything that significantly undermines or may undermine our company's credibility.
2. Anything that significantly affects or may affect the company's performance.
3. Any other serious violations of our company's laws, articles of incorporation, or internal regulations.
b) We ensure that those who have reported to corporate corporate auditors are not treated unfavorably as a result of having made such reports.
c) We establish a system to promptly report the implementation status of internal audits, the status of reports regarding compliance violations, and their contents.
H.The system for reporting to our company's corporate auditors by directors, accounting advisors, corporate auditors, executive officers,
employees executing business, those who should perform duties under Article 598, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act,
and equivalent persons, as well as employees or persons who have received reports from these persons.
We have established a system whereby directors, auditors, employees, or those who have received reports from such persons at our subsidiary companies can report directly to our directors, auditors, or employees via the subsidiary's board of directors or corporate auditors, or directly to our company's directors, corporate auditors, or employees. We ensures that when our directors or employees receive reports from directors, corporate auditors, employees, or those who have received reports from such persons at subsidiary companies, they promptly report to our corporate auditors through the established system.
I.Policy regarding the handling of expenses incurred in the execution of audit duties by corporate auditors
Procedures for the prepayment or reimbursement of expenses incurred in the execution of the duties of corporate auditors, as well as other handling of expenses or reimbursements related to the execution of such duties, shall be in place to facilitate smooth processing in accordance with the requests of the corporate auditors.
J.Other measures to ensure the effective conduct of audits by corporate auditors
a) Corporate auditors attend important meetings of the Board of Directors and other key meetings to understand the decision-making process and the status of business execution, and may express their opinions as necessary.
b) Corporate auditors collaborate with external experts such as lawyers and certified public accountants when deemed necessary for conducting audits, ensuring opportunities to receive advice on audit activities.
c) Regular exchange meetings are established between the board of corporate auditors and the President.
d) In addition, corporate auditors audit the appropriateness of the directors' business execution in accordance with the "Rules of Board of Corporate Auditors" and "Audit Standards for Corporate Auditor.
K.Systems for ensuring the reliability of financial reporting
a) Establishing and operating a system for internal control related to financial reporting to create reliable financial reports.
b) Continuously evaluating the effectiveness of this system and implementing necessary corrections in case of deficiencies.
L.Basic approach and status of measures to exclude anti-social forces
a) We will resolutely confront anti-social forces that threaten public order and morals in civil society and ensure that all directors and employees are fully aware of the need to completely sever ties with anti-social forces.
b) To prevent damage from anti-social forces and to exclude them, we establish a system in the "Anti-Social Forces Response Regulations" outlining basic policies, relevant departments, response measures, information management systems, and collaboration with external experts, enabling prompt action in the event of incidents.
Status of establishing risk management system
We have established the "Risk Management Regulations" to address necessary matters regarding risk management and have set up a Risk and Compliance Committee to prevent the occurrence of risks and to strengthen our ability to respond to them effectively. In the event of specific emergencies or when their occurrence is anticipated, Emergency Task Force may be established.